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Cool Sips with Cawston Press Beverages

Cool Sips with Cawston Press Beverages

We adore Cawston Press bevvies here at Heart of the Home YEG, and for good reason!

The folks at Cawston Press have been making fresh fruit beverages since 1986, and are choosing to keep things hard on themselves by not switching to fruit concentrates - no short cuts. This means that you are getting real pressed fruit with each sip! They started out with a lot of apple trees, and took their inspiration from the kitchen garden with tastes and smells of summer past. The sweetness of Cawston Press juices come from the pressed fruit, and nothing else - no jiggery pokery.

Just what is "jiggery pokery"? The very official dictionary definition is "deceitful or dishonest behaviour". The folks at Cawston Press recognize that pressed is best and that their drinks wouldn't taste as good if they started using short cuts - so they just won't! And we adore that as we choose to carry the best products we can find, and that includes for the drinks that we carry. 

We carry the following Cawston Press bevvies:

  • Elderflower Lemonade
  • Ginger Beer 
  • Rhubarb

And if you haven't tried out their beverages yet, pick up a can (or two!) when you are by the store! We also have them available to shop here on our website:

Did you know that we have Curbside Pickup? Select for either shipping or curb side pickup when checking out - available in the "Shipping Options", and we will email you when your order is ready to go - usually within two business days.

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